Project 1: Me Button

Project 1

The Kirby Button

Human-Computer Interactions II

0. Introduction

The Kirby Button is a web-based application featuring a walking Kirby and Chef Kirby floating above him. It was made in collaboration between Sophia Le, Marela Carlos, and Daniel Tiu. With Chef Kirby as the button, the user is meant to interact with him to feed walking Kirby, cast a spell on the magical meme mirror, or drop a copy item in front of walking Kirby so that he transforms into one of his many copy abilities. Our application effectively showcases Kirby's unique abilities, his love for delicious food, and the hold he has on meme culture with one simple button.

1. Brainstorming

We began our project by brainstorming ideas and concepts we wanted our button to be based on. After sharing our ideas with each other, we decided to proceed with my idea of a Kirby button. We chose him because he is a popular character from Nintendo, an international leader in the interactive entertainment industry, with many likeable and memorable characteristics. He's pink, round, and cute, so what's not to like? He is also a hyperactive character with numerous movesets and facial expressions, therefore, we were confident that we'd be able to produce a high quality button with unique interactions if Kirby is the main character.
Here are my initial notes on this idea:

Kirby Button

  • a. Different Kirbies: ice Kirby, sleeping Kirby, fire Kirby, etc.
    • Kirby state could change every 10-15 seconds or so
    • Event that's triggered will depend on which Kirby type you click on
      • E.g. if sleeping Kirby is clicked, Kirby wakes up startled
    • Could also explore other Smash Bros characters
  • b. M tomato as the button
    • Kirby is hurt/low health
    • Press m tomato button → Kirby is healed

2. Ten Design Ideas

Each group member then had to sketch 10 initial design ideas centering on Kirby and his likeness to present to each other. After studying some of Nintendo's most popular games in the Kirby series, we realized that the young, pink hero was capable of a lot. He could cook, he could float through the air with an umbrella, he could even paint art. With the endless opportunities before us, I decided to just focus on what I liked the most about Kirby. I sketched him as the many entertaining memes of him I've seen online. I also highlighted his ability to eat his enemies and take their powers as his own. Some of us had ideas that were more reminiscent to a game concept because they would lead to either a positive or negative outcome depending on the choices of the user.
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After looking at each member's sketches, we agreed as a group that our button should be less of a game and more about Kirby and his unique personality and appearance. We chose these sketches as our top 10 concept sketches because they allowed the user to make discoveries about Kirby's likes and dislikes and the capacity of his powers. We did not choose the sketches that made the button into a game because we wanted the focus to be on Kirby's aesthetic and not on playing a game with Kirby as a character(s).

3. Ten Refined Sketches

Moving forward, we decided on three designs we would base our refinement sketches on. The sketch design ideas we chose as our top three were:
image 1. Random Kirby Meme Generator Button by Sophia
image 2. Alternate between Kirby's Copy Abilities Button by Sophia
image3. a) Feed Kirby Button Variation 1 by Marela
image3. b) Feed Kirby Button Variation 2 by Marela
image3. c) Feed Kirby Button Variation 3 by Marela

We chose these three because we believed that we could expand these sketches to showcase Kirby's multi-faceted personality while uncovering what makes Kirby, well, Kirby. We knew that he loved to eat certain foods, he steals the abilities of his enemies by inhaling them, and that there are a myriad of Kirby memes that exist online. We did not move forward with the other initial design sketches because we did not believe that they captured Kirby's essence adequately. For example, we did not choose the "Kirby Paint and Canvas" sketch that I (Sophia) designed because we wanted to challenge ourselves by having just one singular button in our program instead of multiple. We also wanted our button to involve Kirby's famous "inhaling" and transformation ability, thus why we scrapped the "Kirby Paint and Canvas" idea. Here are the top 10 sketches we came up with based on the aforementioned three sketches:
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For our final product, we pulled ideas from several of our refinement sketches. Once we began to code our program, we decided on implementing the features of:
  • Chef Kirby button that drops a variety of items every time it is interacted with as inspired by "Refined Sketch 10 by Sophia"
  • Traverse through collection of Kirby memes and display them as inspired by "Refined Sketch 5 by Daniel" and "Refined Sketch 8 by Sophia"
  • Kirby walks towards items that he eventually reacts to as inspired by "Refined Sketch 8 by Sophia"
  • Change background depending on Kirby's active power (e.g. ice, fire, sword) as inspired by "Refined Sketch 1 by Marela"
  • Kirby inhales copy items, transforms, and gains the appropriate power (e.g. ice, fire, sword) as inspired by "Refined Sketch 7 by Daniel"
  • Kirby inhales food and reacts to it via sound as inspired by "Refined Sketch 4 by Marela"
Click the button below to fully view these sketches.

4. Final Product

Our final product was the result of three main Kirby identifiers: Kirby has an insatiable hunger for food, Kirby can steal abilities, and Kirby's expressiveness is the subject of many popular memes. The technology we used to create our button are vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Our button works by clicking on Chef Kirby. If he is single clicked, a copy item will drop onto the grass platform and steadily move towards Kirby. Once Kirby is close enough, he'll inhale the copy item and absorb its powers. If Chef Kirby is double clicked, he'll drop a meme tomato and a random Kirby meme will appear on the magic mirror once Kirby inhales it. Lastly, if the mouse is held down over Chef Kirby, he will cook up a random dish for Kirby to enjoy. Once Kirby eats the food, he will exclaim "Poyo!" to express his satisfaction. Our program also features an informative loading screen and a background music toggle button. Find out more by watching the video below:

My contributions:
  • Created graphics for final magical meme mirror
  • Exported sprites for Chef Kirby
  • Coded logic for final magical meme mirror
  • Coded logic for scrolling grass platform
  • Coded logic for handling double clicks on Chef Kirby button
  • Coded logic for handling collision between Kirby and an item
  • Animated chef Kirby and meme mirror so that they appeared to be floating on clouds
  • Coded background music toggle button
  • Included "whoosh" sound each time button is pressed
  • Included "thud" sound each time an item lands on the grass platform
  • Included "inhale" sound each time Kirby inhales an item